If you were asked what’s most important to you in life, work or family, what would you answer? Most people, not all, but most would answer family. And maybe deep down in our heart of hearts this is entirely true. But if it’s true, then why do we spend so much of our time, creative energy, and passion at work? And sometimes we are so spent; we don’t have much left for home. Many business owners, entrepreneurs, and managers would tell you that they are quite different at work than they are at home. It’s pretty universal. We are typically stronger in one area vs. another. At work, we show up as the assertive, decision makers, quick thinkers, and effective communicators. When we’re at home we often feel like we are just winging it. Maybe it’s because of the aspect of unconditional love. At home, we can mess up, make mistakes and be far less than perfect, yet somehow we know we will still be loved. At work it’s certainly not the same. If we mess up, … [Read more...]