The Fear of Public Speaking

Fear of Public Speaking

They say that the number one fear we have as human beings is the fear of public speaking!  And that the number 2 fear is the fear of death.  Now, isn’t that interesting.  In other words, people would sooner die than public speak.  This astounds me, but when I think about it, I can totally understand it.  When I started out as a public speaker I was terrified.  It took every ounce of courage I could muster up inside me to step in front of a group and speak about a subject that I was passionate about.  And there were times in the beginning that I felt like I was going to die before stepping in front of a group. Fortunately not all of us have to speak in front of groups.  Often time we think that opportunity is reserved for seminar leaders, lawyers, actors, politicians, or teachers.  And this is true however, when I look at my life before I was a public speaker, there were numerous opportunities that I had to speak in front of people!  And when I examine those times of my … [Read more...]

Goal setting- Celebrating Yourself


A critical component with goal setting is to learn to celebrate your accomplishments.  If you have studied and believe in the Law of Attraction then you know that celebrating and acknowledging your accomplishments an the things you are happy with and proud of sends a message out to the Universe that you want more of that!  And the Universe wants you to have what you want.  What you focus on and give energy to persists.  So why not give energy to what you are happy about.  There is no better way to do this than to celebrate your accomplishments. First off, if you find that are not accomplishing anything, than re-evaluate your goals.  They may be a little too elusive, or unrealistic.  People have a hard time setting concrete goals.  We tend to be too general, and when we are, we never know when we have really achieved something or not.  For instance setting am objective that says "I will be open" vs a more specific one that says "On Monday night I will sit down and have that … [Read more...]

Goal Setting- Life fulfillment


Goal setting is a vital step in reaching success in your life. By setting objectives, it is possible for you to accomplish all of your duties in a timely, organized manner. Planning out your targets can help you focus your efforts so as to rapidly attain your goals without becoming distracted along the way. Goal setting can even provide the motivation that is essential to achieve success, whereas building your confidence and self-esteem with every step that you achieve. Confidence and high self-worth will enable you to excel in life, no matter what mission you undertake. By setting good, realistic objectives, it acts as stepping stones to your one overall goal. And you'll be supporting yourself to achieve your goals much quicker. Without setting objectives, it is easy to become burned out, and frustrated. All you see is the one huge goal and it appears as if you're by no means going to get there. All of this detrimental thinking only slows you down that much more, whereas for … [Read more...]

Courageous Consciousness


On a day to day, or minute to minute basis in our lives, we don’t often think about utilizing the virtue of courage.  We are not even really conscious about needing it or using it.  We have been conditioned to think that courage is reserved for the heroes on life, the firefighters, the soldiers, or for the moments when our lives or lives of our loved ones may be in danger.  No doubt, these situations require courage but the utilizing the courage that we have inside on a daily basis is what creates a full life for each of us.  It is what creates a life worth living, vs. surviving it. Were you taught in life to not be bold?  Were you taught to be nice, not make waves, not stand out, and certainly not go against the current?  Does your family have a certain way of living that you never really considered going against?  Maybe you don’t even know why you do certain things a certain way, you just do.  It’s all you know.  It’s your personal paradigm. Security has become … [Read more...]