Art imitates life and life imitates art. And at this time, what works in business works in life and what works in life, works in business. With the movement from the commercial age (we made things) to the intellectual age (we make ideas), work and life have turned out to be parallel worlds. Our workplaces are actually about people and relationships - actually, humanity. Success within the office is now primarily based on our skill to know and understand our clients as individuals, create "customized" service responses and construct relationships that last. That is also simply what we should do to have successful and fulfilling personal lives. Let's evaluate several areas where our work life and personal life are parallel: Communicate: "You never listen to what I say." This could be a line from a spouse or a customer. Each have vital consequences and the steps to enhance them are virtually the same. Learning to ask great questions after which really listening is an extraordinary … [Read more...]