A critical component with goal setting is to learn to celebrate your accomplishments. If you have studied and believe in the Law of Attraction then you know that celebrating and acknowledging your accomplishments an the things you are happy with and proud of sends a message out to the Universe that you want more of that! And the Universe wants you to have what you want. What you focus on and give energy to persists. So why not give energy to what you are happy about. There is no better way to do this than to celebrate your accomplishments.
First off, if you find that are not accomplishing anything, than re-evaluate your goals. They may be a little too elusive, or unrealistic. People have a hard time setting concrete goals. We tend to be too general, and when we are, we never know when we have really achieved something or not. For instance setting am objective that says “I will be open” vs a more specific one that says “On Monday night I will sit down and have that conversation with my husband about how I feel about our different parenting strategies”. Which one do think will have you knowing if you accomplished it or not? Obviously the second one. We know when we did it….and then we can celebrate ourselves.
It is really important to celebrate what you did no matter what happened as the outcome. The important thing is that you took the step…you did something different! Even if something unfavorable happened, you will build yourself up if you celebrate the fact that you took the risk. Then your confidence to handle that unfavorable outcome will be there, because you didn’t beat up on yourself.
As you are on the path to success, whether it be personal or professional, you must realize that mistakes will be made along the way. The word “mistake” was actually a term from archery that simply meant “missed the mark”. Often times we make a mistake and we are extremely hard on ourselves. It’s important that we learn from our mistakes. View them as simply missing the mark, and re-aim! Celebrating ourselves give us the fuel, clarity, and desire to re-aim.