
In the last post we talked about the importance of holding others accountable in an effective way.  In this article we will explore the importance of our own accountability.  In truth, there is nothing more important in life than our word.  Our word can make or break our reputation, our self worth and overall-our success.

Let’s look at how our integrity relates to producing results in life.  Some people feel that results are the same as having no results plus a good excuse.  That somehow it’s OK that we don’t produce what we said we would, as long as we have a really good excuse!  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The only thing a good excuse is good for is creating resentment, frustration, and dissatisfaction.  The more we use excuses, the more other people will come to count on us as a big excuse.  They will trust that we will not follow through, and all they will get is a great excuse.  This is not the formula for success.

The formula for success is first to realize that having integrity means that we mean what we say before we say it, while we say it, and after we say it.  The more we follow through with what we say we will do up goes our sense of value about ourselves, and then others will come to know that they can count on us.  All the things we have ever wanted are truly available to us when we keep our word.

If you find you are going to have a tough time keeping your word, the best time to address it is before the agreement was broken.  Letting people in on your process is critical.  People feel valued when you let them know you may have a tough time following through with something on time, and need their support.  This is so much better than breaking your word, and then having to pick up the pieces later.

If you find that you have indeed broken your word to someone, the best thing to do is to own up to it right away.  Often times we do a lousy job at this.  We make excuses, we get defensive, we blame, we avoid, all to have us looking good in the times when we are out of agreement.  Simply owning up to it can save you tons of time, energy, and frustration.  Then recreate an agreement with that person.

Nothing will create distance quicker than saying I am sorry over and over again and continuing to break your word.  People will get that your word means nothing.  If you find you are doing this you must look at what will have you keeping your word and building the kind of trust and connection you have always wanted!


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